Nothing much to update on, just one thing.. MY B'DAY is coming up on friday!!!~ T^T... but I won't be in school to celebrate with my friends, I'm going on a camping trip on that very day! oh well~ My mum asked me where I wanna celebrate my B'day this year, and, of course, do I even have to think?? I said "Uno's"!!! I have been celebrating my B'day there every year since I moved to Malaysia~ It has kinda become a tradition in my family I guess! ^^ everytime when there is a b'day celebration, the first thing that'll pop up in my mind would be "UNO"!! okay enough promoting uno now.. But then my mum was like.. "Uno again?? aren't you sick of it??" the truth is.. NO, how can I ever be sick of it?? It is now a part of my childhood memory that's gonna stay with me till the end of time!
And wow, I'm alreadly gonna be 17 in less than 48 hrs now.. I don't want my teenage life to end sooo soon!! If only I have a spell to stop time! I guess this is how it's gonna be~ SO BE IT! I'm gonna face it with pride!
p.s I'm hoping for a really happy b'day this year!! <3
!Peace OUT!