Yay, this is the only personal place where I can brag all I want and not get judge by people saying I'm arrogant or watever! Here's the good new, I DID SO DAMN WELL IN MY EXAM!! Finally, I get to say it out loud! You see, under some circumstances, I'm not exactly allowed to express my feelings to anyone anywhere! So, dear blog, you're my new best friend! haha~
I was actually pretty surprise with all my results, the one that I'm most proud of is my additional maths! I got 82%/100%!!! WTF??!?!? Like wow! seriously?!?!?! THANK GOD!~ To tell you the truth, I've never pass my additional maths in my whole form 4 life, but I got A2 for form 5 in my first exam, that ought to give me the kick for motivation! I'm so relief my hardwork actually does pays off~ I'm gonna work extra harder now for the next exam!
My english is next, I got 98%/100%, (omg, I feel like bitch now, but I just have to express my happiness somewhere) I just feel so good now, its like, the dark cloud has finally subside and the rainbow is shining down on my parade! lovin the feeling of that one! See, gettin the high marks isn't what I'm over-excited about, its the part where people looks at you and goes "hey, that's the girl that got highest in eng"! I've nvr gotten that kinda compliment b4, and it really feels good!
And overall for my other results are satisfying! But its sad that this is just the first exam of the year, so technically, it doesn't count. If only it was the mid-term exam, I would have flew up into the sky!~ haha! yeah, so that's pretty much what I wanted to share, it really feels good to get looked up to by someone else~ hmp.. watch me again next time! I'm gonna score with flying colours~!!!!
!Peace Out!