Is this so darn adorable or what?!?!!?!??!?!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
My Daddy~
My daddy and his foods, as always...
So... Father's Day is coming right up. So I'm gonna dedicate this post to my most beloved daddy! My dad is my hero, god gave me a wonderful dad and I will always love him no matter what happens in life.
Where do I even begin? There's just countless ways to categorized my dad! He can be a real pain in the ass sometimes and he is the only one that can make me lose my temper like never before! (Trust me, you won't want to know me when I'm not in a good mood) And on the other hand, he can be the greatest dad ever when he's in a good mood, he'll be joking and fooling around till the extend of embarrassment. He can literally crack a really sick joke in the middle of a conversation and we all will be laughing till our pants drop and people will be staring at our crazy family! So, back to the bad side, he has a real big temper issue, sometimes he'll say or do the most stupidest thing in the world and even a 5 year old kid would know it is wrong, but he'll still stick to his pride and insist that he's right and keep up with it. And that's not the worst part, he'll fight with you till his last breath and would still not admit he's wrong. The part I hate most is his actions when he's mad, he'll drive straight towards the bump on the road without stopping and the car will go flying across and it really freaks me out! He will throw any things anywhere near him if he don't get what he wants! I just wish he would learn to calm down sometimes, relax and take a deep breath! Life is too short to be mad with life! He goes to church every week and in church he'll be like an angel, so sweet and kind and caring, the minute he leaves church, everything comes back. It is like he was possessed for 2 hrs and then his real self came back. I really pray hard that he'll change because I don't want to see him slowly backsliding or mis-leaded from the right path in life.
But on the bright side, minus all his bad temper and ridiculousness! He is my superdad! He does everything in this household from cooking to fixing, from fixing to building, from building to gardening, you name it! He's currently unemployed so technically, you can call him a househusband! ^^ When my computer breaks down, he'll be there to fix it; When I'm hungry, he'll be making the most delicious meal ever! (that's how I got inspired to be a chef) When I have to go somewhere, he'll be my driver. When I have to go to the hospital for my treatment, he is the one by my side with me. When I have trouble with my studies, he'll be the genius in my brain. When the house is robbed, he somehow scared the robbers away! He's truly my guardian angel! I could not ask for a better dad! I remember when my sister had to stayed back a year in remove class because she failed her Malay, my dad was going all the way to the end of the world and back just to get her into year 7! I also remember me thinking about how great is his love for us. I was really touched by that until tears of joy roll down my face!
There will be plenty more memories that I'm gonna have with him in the future, good or bad, who cares? As long as it has him in it! Though sometimes I want to find the courage in me to stand up to him when I know he's wrong, I just can't find it in me yet. Not now, but maybe in the future, I do hope he can see his wrong doings and refrain from it and change for a better and happier life! Dear god, I hope you hear my prayers and grant him more faith and trust in you lord! amen! I love you daddy, and I always will!
From your beloved daughter,
Lang Lang
Monday, May 30, 2011
Money is really everything now (for me) despite the usual saying of money can't buy happiness of sort~ I don't come from a rich family whom father and mother would give allowance every week or so, my parents can barely afford our living right now. So since I turn 15, I started paying my own tuition fees, clothes, books... you name it. Of course on normal basis my mum and dad still contribute to the foods and any other necessary stuff. Where do I get my money from I hear you ask, well, there's always a grandma. I'll go visit my grandma every fortnight and she'll always give me some allowances, I'm really grateful to have her in my life. I love my grandma so much and its not for the money. It's because I always know she'll have my back whenever I'm in need. She's my angel! And then there's also annual allowances I get from what we call "ang pao"!! Its one of the best time in the year where we'll get money for really absolutely nothing! =) So yeah, in my world, money does makes my world go round. I know the importance of money and I'll always know the value of it. I'm not saying I'm a money freak or anything, just a girl coming from a poor home sharing her point of view, I don't mean any offence in any way. But not to forget, god is the most important person in my life! If I lose everything else in the world, I still have him to guide me through everyday! I thank god for everything in my life! I'm gonna go dream of some cha-ching cha-ching now! night peeps!
!Peace Out!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
school holidays coming right up!
2 more days until our 2 weeks school break!! And just when I thought it was gonna be more relaxing, I sprained my hand today! And it has to be my right hand! I still have my mathematics exam tomorrow and my hand is freaking aching like mad! How am I suppose to write!! JUST GREATT!! I just have to bare with it I guess!!! 48 more hrs!!! Its not too long!! oh, and I'll be hanging out with my bro going skating on Friday! Be it a great one!! so long peeps!
!Peace Out!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Lazy Diary
What a wonderful day to kick your legs up on the table, grab a cup of hot chocolate, wear a loose gown for comfort, call your boyfriend/girlfriend for a nice chat, eating packs and packs of snacks, take a nice long bath in the tub, tune into your favourite channel, stick your head in front of the computer, grab your guitar and play along to some awesome music, snug up tight in your bed......
Well, just wanted to share with you guys about my day, I just did my last treatment yesterday and that was awesome, its finally over, after two years of pains and suffering, god grant me back my health! I'm really happy. But of course there's a bit of price to pay, my back hurts like mad when I woke up this morning! It must be from that injection I had yesterday, oh well, I gotta do what I gotta do right. So I can cancel out studying on my list of things to do today. Its raining over here now, so.. I'm just lying on the couch with my laptop and randomly checking out the latest online trend. I found a few and I posted it below. I hope yall will enjoy it though, it made me cry and laugh!!! So I'm planing on going to get my guitar and play a few song now, then maybe just keep surfing the net until 6pm... American Idol!!!!! haha! then dinner and probably a cell group to attend to. You might say what a boring day right, but if you just finish 2 weeks of intense exams or some work~ you would understand how nice it is to relax on friday!! Enjoy your weekend peeps!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011

I've finally found that passion in culinary arts again after backsliding for a few years, I now know what I want for my future! Me and my family met a guy in coffee bean the other day, he was a part-time worker there as a Barista. He's 20 years old and is taking culinary arts in sunway college. He described what kind of work he does there and many other interesting facts!! But for now.. I gotta study hard to get into a good university first. Thanks, whoever that guy was, you helped me set my path. I hope we'll meet again someday.
Just something for my diary -- We crawl.. then we walk.. then we'll jump to the extend of flying! That's life, I won't expect you to crawl again, we look forward in life not backward. I never wanted to admitted that fact about you, but after getting a few confirmation from passerby, its obvious I'm better off out of here.
p.s I hope he's doing fine. I heard the news.
!Peace Out!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
confession of a heartbreaker

"Applying it to puppy love in high school is just craps". Whoever said that has never felt the real meaning of true love. Love is one of the most powerful and real magic that exists in this world. you can't touch it or see it. But when you feel it, it's magic! The way your sight focus on that someone, the way you blink and look away when he/she catches a glimpse of you, the way you try to push away those butterflies in your stomach feelings, and the moment you look into that someone's eye, there's nothing in the world that matters anymore. Love isn't something you can deny, if it was meant to be, it was meant to be. You can shut your mind out at night when you go to sleep but it will appear in your dreams to haunt you. It's something so dear to your heart that you may never forget the memories for the rest of your lifetime... I say this because I walked away from the one thing I used to cared and love most about in this world. I never forgive myself for doing so and I don't expect him to do so either. Thanks for the memories, I'll keep it with me no matter where life takes us. The hardest thing I had ever done was saying goodbye, and now, the only thing I wish for is your happiness. I don't ever want to see you sad. Its time.. to move on.. from I love you...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Its been a tough month for me this month! ITS APRIL!! I always love april!! ..but this far, its tiring!! Firstly, it the month right before our mid-year exam!! Which means.. I gotta stick my head back into my studies... urgh, its gonna be real tough since my target is to beat all my previous exam results. So, I'll just aim for it then!!
Secondly, plans... Gosh, I have like plans after plans after plans... one down 10 more to go! The first weekend I had my camping trip, which was fun no doubt, but..tiring, after coming back from the trip, I skipped school for like 2 days just so I can sleep, what a PIG!! And now this weekend, I have my hospital annual pediatric party and my dad is not here to fetch me there!! So most probably I'll call a taxi or something, worst comes to worst, I'll just not go! awh..but I was really looking forward to it! Anyway, yeah, and then at night, my other fren invited me to go to her church to see her perform.. haha..cute.. Then the following day I might go hang out with a bunch of my class frens in sunway~ OMIGOSH.... I can't think anymore!!!!
Thirdly, this might not be relevant but.. I need god to calm me down lately, I don't know why, but I'm having problem coping with one of my friend's attitude. She's always so down with low self-esteem and stuff, and every time I try to make her feel better, she'll take it and turn it into some other conclusion and turns her world upside down. And it really pisses me off seeing her like this, its like she just shuts the world out from her world including me. and yeah, it does suck. I miss how she would be happy and not care about stuff, and sometimes, try being happy for me. When my sister left for Australia, I still have her to cheer me on, but now, I find myself calling my other fren to talk about it instead of her and its weird because we used to share everything. Right now, everything only includes 20% of what I wanna say... the rest, is no use sharing, cause she doesn't care.
I even had a dream the other day about us debating between each other, I feel like my feelings have summed up so much in me that the only way to express it is through my dreams, not just this issue, but there's still many others, I guess my body has found a way to express it now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at her, I just don't feel the same anymore.
On the other hand, Let's turn the table around, it's my b'day month and I'm still waiting for my mum to come back to celebrate my b'day with me!!! I had a really great b'day this year, thankx for all the wishes and also thx 5S3 for making my day!!! ^^ I love them!! They are my family forever!
alright, that's all for now.. I wanna go crash on a king-size bed in a full blast air-contioned room with some soul soothing music! ttfn!!!
!Peace OUT!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
17th B'day

Nothing much to update on, just one thing.. MY B'DAY is coming up on friday!!!~ T^T... but I won't be in school to celebrate with my friends, I'm going on a camping trip on that very day! oh well~ My mum asked me where I wanna celebrate my B'day this year, and, of course, do I even have to think?? I said "Uno's"!!! I have been celebrating my B'day there every year since I moved to Malaysia~ It has kinda become a tradition in my family I guess! ^^ everytime when there is a b'day celebration, the first thing that'll pop up in my mind would be "UNO"!! okay enough promoting uno now.. But then my mum was like.. "Uno again?? aren't you sick of it??" the truth is.. NO, how can I ever be sick of it?? It is now a part of my childhood memory that's gonna stay with me till the end of time!
And wow, I'm alreadly gonna be 17 in less than 48 hrs now.. I don't want my teenage life to end sooo soon!! If only I have a spell to stop time! I guess this is how it's gonna be~ SO BE IT! I'm gonna face it with pride!
p.s I'm hoping for a really happy b'day this year!! <3
!Peace OUT!
Friday, April 1, 2011
A crazy ambition thought

I just had this random thought of being an air hostess after my SPM!! ... ... ... ...
What The Hell?!?!? Where did that even came from?? But hey, after checking out requirements and all the other informations, being an air hostess isn't that bad after all. Firstly, I love to travel the world to taste different kinda of food (guess I've never mention I've always wanted to be a chef), so what better ways to explore different food while working?? Its a win-win situation! Secondly, Have you even seen their paycheck?? There's like at least 3-4 zeros!! I'm not from a very rich family and we always just have barely enough to get us through a month before my parents get their next paychecks. So, I guess I get to earn some pennies after SPM for a few years until I get sick of the job, and when I'm done, hopefully I'll have enough qualifications to get into one of the "Le Cordon Bleu" school of hospitality & management branch anywhere in the world! Thirdly, my aunt was an air hostess back in the 80's, and from what I heard, they even give you allowance every week/month! Honestly, is this the best paying job ever or what?? On top of that, all the hotels they stay after landing in an unknown country is always at least 3-4 stars, and that is already paid by either the company or sponsorship! That's already so much more than I've expected!
Let me sum this up for you, I'll get to work as an air hostess and travel around the world with the dividend of not having to pay a single cent except to just smile while you're doing your job and greet customer with the warmest welcome and then just do whatever a normal waitress does. Then every month I'll get paid with the most satisfying paycheck ever seen and on top of that I get allowances every fortnight or so (it depends on the job) to spend in the place you're in. And the best benefit for me is that I get to travel around the world tasting and getting to know all different kinds of food cultures. That ought to give me the dream of opening my own shop one day!
I do hope things will go as I plan though, but we would never know what might happen tomorrow. So, as I always say, let's make the best out of today!! Oh, and before I forget, did I mention air hostess uniforms are pretty cute too!~
Thank you for flying on board with me today, please visit me again sometime soon. Goodbye and have a nice day. (how's that for a first timer??) hehe
!Peace OUT!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The past still haunts
Hey yall~ so, I had this really weird dream today. But it was a nice one... I dreamed bout' my ex and I having our good old times like we used to have.. and trust me, it hit me with this feeling that I can't explain, its not that I still like him or anything, its more like I miss him, but not in a "lovey dovey" way, just..miss each other's company~ Well, I guess the past still comes back to haunt us once in a while. Hmp.. but there's still that thought that lingers in my mind whether he's ever thought about me in the same way~ but I guess not, because it was I that made the decision for us to move on, and now here I am thinking craps. gosh.. I'm a bitch!
After all the thinking I did with my brain, I realize how much time have passed since then, after this year, we're all gonna go our separate ways and well.. some of us would never see each other ever again and only some of us might still keep in touch! But the time is still gonna come and the only thing we can do is face it, tomorrow will never come, so let's just make the best out of today! =)
p.s I wanna go on a vacation so badly!! Luqman, take me with you!!!! I swear I can fit into your luggage! hahaha
!Peace OUT!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Freaking Awesome Results
Yay, this is the only personal place where I can brag all I want and not get judge by people saying I'm arrogant or watever! Here's the good new, I DID SO DAMN WELL IN MY EXAM!! Finally, I get to say it out loud! You see, under some circumstances, I'm not exactly allowed to express my feelings to anyone anywhere! So, dear blog, you're my new best friend! haha~
I was actually pretty surprise with all my results, the one that I'm most proud of is my additional maths! I got 82%/100%!!! WTF??!?!? Like wow! seriously?!?!?! THANK GOD!~ To tell you the truth, I've never pass my additional maths in my whole form 4 life, but I got A2 for form 5 in my first exam, that ought to give me the kick for motivation! I'm so relief my hardwork actually does pays off~ I'm gonna work extra harder now for the next exam!
My english is next, I got 98%/100%, (omg, I feel like bitch now, but I just have to express my happiness somewhere) I just feel so good now, its like, the dark cloud has finally subside and the rainbow is shining down on my parade! lovin the feeling of that one! See, gettin the high marks isn't what I'm over-excited about, its the part where people looks at you and goes "hey, that's the girl that got highest in eng"! I've nvr gotten that kinda compliment b4, and it really feels good!
And overall for my other results are satisfying! But its sad that this is just the first exam of the year, so technically, it doesn't count. If only it was the mid-term exam, I would have flew up into the sky!~ haha! yeah, so that's pretty much what I wanted to share, it really feels good to get looked up to by someone else~ hmp.. watch me again next time! I'm gonna score with flying colours~!!!!
!Peace Out!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tick-tock on the clock
Finally, 1 week of very hardworking me is finally over along with exam.. and now, the moment we've been anticipating for, 1 week of holz!!!!! finally!! Its about time for a break now! I'm gonna watch animes for the whole week b4 school starts and I've gotta brush up on my studies! I'm really giving myself a higher aim this time! Its not like last year, after every paper, I'll be like, "sigh, yet another low mark for it"! But this time around, its more like "phew, that wasn't too hard, at least I won't fail"!! so yay, I wanna thx god for guiding me through this harsh time, thanks for the wisdom and guidance you gave me throughout the week!!!
After this 1 week holz, I really have to treat everyday like an exam day, I'm gonna stay back in the library every now and then to study! JUST WATCH ME! I'm gonna do well this time around, no more lazy me!! ^^

just some crazy pictures of my frens~ XD
hmp..I hope I can hang out with my friends during the holz though, but I'm broke.. ugh, oh well, I'll just go beg by the street! ^^
!Peace Out!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Exam Day 2
WTH.. I just realize it has only been 2 days into exam! It's funny how time loves to fool around with out mind! It just feels like exam has been on since forever now! Yesterday was BM & Modern mathematics paper. I feel pathetic because I can tell you this is one of the most easiest exam you can find for a form 5 syllables.. and I blew it, I didn't give it my best shot. What the hell is wrong with me! haish..oh well, moving on, today we only has 1 paper which is Sejarah. For the first time in 5 years.. it wasn't too bad! Well, of course the tips teacher gave helped me. But seriously, if it weren't for the tips, I would have been like.."uh...uh..uh...blank..." on my exam paper! And SPM is only months away! haish...
I have additional mathematics for tommorow, then Physic for the day after. And finally on the last day which is 3 days from now, it'll be chemistry, biology and English! I'm gonna give my best for the 3 science subjects! I can't afford to enjoy and relax now right.. Wait, I'm not even suppose to be blogging.. Alright.. I'm gonna go crash on my bed for now.. gather some spirit for the nighttime study!!!
p.s I can't wait till Friday, hopefully we'll get to go hang out together or something!!
!Peace Out!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Slacking seat..

I'm starting to wonder about my future though, today our English teacher--Miss Singam, lectured us on the topic "our future". For an instance, many options ran through my mind like gushing wind, but after the storm, comes..blank.. I actually have no idea as to what is gonna happen after SPM?? there's a possibility of going to college, but I doubt my parents would be able to afford that. Money has kinda been an issue in our life for a while now. Or there is another option of going overseas to study year 12 and hopefully I'll be able to support myself financially. Or, maybe I just have to sacrifice a couple of years, take on a part time job and earn some pennies before continuing my studies, air hostess ain't a bad choice.. But this is all just assumption, I need to know my path, I can't afford to waste time sitting here thinking about options. I've gotta put my foot down!
That's all for now, all the best in exam peoples!!
!Peace Out!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I live my life, you live yours!
OMFG! Seriously?? I don't even know how I got involved in all this shit dramas!! I wish I can just lay all this truth cards out on the table and let you know I have nothing against anything people do! Baby, you were born this way! So why should I have comments on your life if I don't wanna have you commenting on my life??!! My point here is, I'm not in your shoes so I would have no idea what goes on in your operating system. But one thing I do know is, I have no grudge against you or anyone else!!! I'm not on anyone's side! I walk alone!
This is hard to say, but even YOU! OF ALL PEOPLE, YOU KNOW I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU! You're going overboard! I know the feelings of losing a friend is hard, and I know that you losing your friend is hard on you but you're making it hard on me too! You're not the person I once knew, sometimes, I don't get why you're so hard on her?? She may not be as matured thinking as you are, but she have her own wings to fly, I honestly have to say, why don't you just leave her alone and let her make her own decision doesn't matter if it turns into regrets or happiness!! Its her life, its her choice, you can give advice, but after advice you turn around and stab her in the back by saying she's getting further away from you and that your friendship is deteriorating. I know that through it all, things are hard, but if you wouldn't have so much comment on people life, and just let things be, things may just turn out fine.
People falls in and out of love all the time. When you're in it, it just feels like heaven, you don't give a shit about the surrounding and all you wanna do is just be with that person every second. No offence, but you won't know how that feels, so you have no rights to give judgments! I'm not saying this cause I'm jealous or anything, its just my point of view. From what i can see, you are the rocks blocking the waters from flowing down to infinity! so why don't you just move aside, mind your own business, and get your own life!
The world doesn't revolve around us, we revolve around it.
p.s I know I sound like a bitch commenting on people's life while telling people to not comment on my life. But I'm not commenting, I'm laying out the cards. Its up to you to take it, or leave it!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
three more months
So.. today, right now, in an hour time, I'll be going for my treatment call "IT", basically, I'm going for a shot of chemotherapy. urgh, just typing it gives me the chills, but, I'm proud to say that I know god has cured me inside out and I look up to him no matter what happen.
So for those of you who doesn't know, I was diagnosed with "ALL" Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 9th March 2009. To put it in simple words, I had blood cancer. At first, I was like "uh...ok, what is it?" But looking at my parent's face, I know its not good. So that's how things all started. I can't recall how many times I just feeling like suffocating myself and die through all the pains of those memories. I recall every visit to the hospital, especially the ones where I had to stay there for more than a week! Imagine that! lying on the bed and just going through hell! I wonder how much tears I have shed since then, each visits to the hospital doing really painful treatment, staying overnight there, vomiting.. Great, talk about vomiting, I there was one night, from 6pm they start my chemo intravenous drip and it's suppose to last for 12-hour, wow, that was the longest 12-hour I had to ever go through. I had to get up and vomit every 10 minute, I couldn't sleep the whole night. You can start doing your maths and count the number of time I vomited that day.
Anyway, moving on, I'm really glad god sent down some angels to help me get through those days, first of all, my family, they have done nothing but be there for me everyday, every second. My dad, he's my hero! He sacrifice most of his time just sending me to the hospital, sitting there with me on that stupid ridiculously uncomfortable chair, every time I had a treatment, he'll be the one sitting there and he's the one that has been telling me what to eat and what to not eat, all in all, I couldn't have gotten through that period without him. My mum, she's my wonder woman! XD she had to work most of the time of the day, and after work, she would have to come home and clean the house, sometimes she'll drive straight to the hosp just to see me. I still remember seeing her walking in my room, I literally sigh a relieve, its like nothing beats just seeing her face. ^^ My elder sister, gosh, where do I even start, she's the one that helped me through the time where I felt like giving up the most, she'll always remind me of god's wonder and miracle which restore me the confident to keep on living through life! Not to forget, she is also my so call "therapist", nothing beats a conversation of us after a long day, we'll be laughing away about stupid stuff and just goofing around. Last but not least, my younger sister, she's better off kissing me goodnight, sometimes she don't realize this, but I love it when she just comes over and say, "I love you lang", even though I'll be like, "eww, stay away from me", she'll still hug me with that big arms of hers. ^^ Oh, not to forget my little paw-print, Jasper, he's the world most irritating, disgusting and annoying dog anyone could ever have, but isn't that why I love him!!
Oh, Of course, there is my BFF, Joelissa Noel!!!! she has helped me through most of my hard time just keeping a smile on my face, she used to be emo person, and she changed cuz she know she has gotta keep that smile on her face to keep me going. I love her sooooo much!! btw, its our 5th year anniversary this year for our friendship!! We gotta beat 50 years!! haha! and my other best pal, Johnathan Cheong! Thx bro for always giving me advice on boys issues, haha, He's my best buddy since primary school and he always will be! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! And of course there are the other that I didn't mention, sorry, its gonna bored the reader if I keep writing now. ^^ But just know deep down i really appreciate the helps and encouragements from you guys!
Alright, so fasting forward, here I am today, done the drastic part of my treatment, and I am in my remission for more than 6 months now, I pray lord you'll continue to bless me through my everyday. and now I have to go for hospital clinic check up every 2 weeks, and every 3 months I'll have to go for a shot of chemo. I only have 2 more shots to go including today's. so after today, I only have to look forward till 3 months later for my next I wonder what's next!!! I really thank god for this!
p.s I miss you soooo much melanie yeekay kuan!!
!peace out!
Friday, February 18, 2011
So, things are just so... boring nowadays~
I miss the times where nothing matters and everything else matters! XD
I miss fooling & goofing around not realizing the consequences that I would be facing..
I miss laughing and crying through whatever..
I don't feel the life in me right now, its almost like, as if my soul went on vacation and left its host behind.
I just feel lost, I've come to the point in life where I'm stuck in the middle of the game not knowing my next move..
I need to find my way back on the right track.
But sometimes, I just feel like giving up and pressing the restart button of life and just START ALL OVER.
Or I guess, I just miss having a shoulder to cry on..
So could lend me a shoulder to cry on?
Peace out!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
awesome weekend
Hang out with my girl yesterday! really had a great time! We should do that more often despite the hectic year and homeworks with have ahead of us! XD So yea, we went to church, and this was the first time we sat at the front row, gosh, never gonna sit there again, no offence, but the speaker was directly in front of us and I bet it will bring us hearing loss in the late future!! And then of course, dinner... and then chill at a cafe, of course there are also the occasional cam-bitching, how could I ever miss that out right!! And.. just for the record, moving on from something has never felt so good!!~
p.s I love you bitch!
Friday, February 11, 2011
1st blog!

Just felt like starting to blog again, a new year a fresh start again right?? Well, those are the sayings we hear, but what if I like my old habits and I don't wanna start fresh?? Hmp... guess someone's gotta come out with a solution to that.
So anyway, its February, the month of love, is that what people call it? Great, like that's gonna be a fun month! Oh well, I'm just gonna go hang out at a friend's house or something, who wanna spent valentine on their own right?! But on the other hand, everyone would love to spent valentine with love ones, and it doesn't have to be your boyfriend right, as long as you love that person (aka your best friend), everyday is valentine for you! I guess I should just concentrate on study for SPM rite... what am I saying? WHO FUCKING CARES? I might not even take SPM, argh, I have got to start finding my track on life!
Thanks for checking me out though.. peace!
© madeleine
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